Insurance Basics: Everything You Need to Know

Dealing With Hail Damage: Partnering With Your Insurance Adjuster

You step outside one morning and find your home has taken a beating from an overnight hailstorm. The gutters are dented, your roof looks like it's been peppered with buckshot, and even your car has suffered damage. You must file an insurance claim, but where do you start? You might be wary of the upcoming process, particularly working with a claim adjuster. No worries. The key to a successful claim and repair lies in understanding the adjuster's role and partnering effectively with them.

Know Your Policy Inside and Out  

You should read your policy documents before you dial your insurance company's number. Ensure you understand the terms, conditions, and extent of the coverage for hail damage. You need to know your deductible for hail damage claims. If you're unsure, now's the perfect time to speak to your agent to clarify any uncertainty.

Document Everything

Documentation is vital for insurance claims. Step outside with a camera or smartphone as soon as it's safe. Take pictures of all visible hail damage. You'll want to include the roof, siding, gutters, windows, outdoor units like air conditioners, and even your vehicle if it's been affected. These images will provide solid proof of the damage when the adjuster arrives.

File Your Claim Promptly

After documenting the damage, contact your insurance provider to file a claim. Quick action means a faster response. Plus, some insurance companies have a time limit for filing hail damage claims. Be clear and concise when reporting the damage; remember, honesty is the best policy.

Prepare for the Adjuster's Visit

Once a hail damage claim is filed, an adjuster will be dispatched to assess the damage. Their job is to investigate the claim, estimate the cost of repairs, and determine how much your insurance company should pay. Ahead of their visit, prepare a detailed list of all damaged items, including their purchase date and original cost. The more information you have, the better.

Meet the Adjuster With Confidence

When the adjuster arrives, accompany them on the inspection. You can guide them to all damaged areas and discuss your concerns in real-time. It's your chance to ask about the next steps in the claim process. Having a dialogue can help clarify any confusion and allow the adjuster to provide more personalized assistance.

After the Adjuster's Visit

Finally, once the adjuster has completed their assessment, they'll compile a report and submit it to your insurance company. You'll receive a copy too. Review it carefully. If you find any discrepancies, you must reach out to your adjuster immediately. Remember, the adjuster is your ally in this process.

Speak to an agent to learn more about hail damage adjuster services. 
