Flenn Hall
Need Car Insurance? Two Reasons To Obtain It Through A Local Agent
Carrying car insurance is beneficial in so many ways. If you're involved in a accident you generally won't have to bear the full load of the financial burden because your policy will kick in to cover a significant portion of the damages. Also, acquiring good automobile insurance gives you an incentive to have your car repaired quickly so you can maintain its value. It feels good to know you have the backing of an insurance plan that will protect you while you are on the road.
4 Important Things To Know About Auto Insurance
There is no denying that auto insurance is a little complicated. However, if you own a vehicle, you need to carry insurance. Here are four important things that you should understand about it.
#1: An Expensive Vehicle Isn't Always More Expensive to Insure
First, many people wrongly assumed that an expensive vehicle will be expensive to insure. However, this is not always accurate. An expensive car may have more safety features, which helps lower your auto insurance rates.
Home Insurance For Primary And Secondary Residences: Common Faqs
Some Americans own more than one home. Whether that secondary residence is used for vacation purposes or otherwise, it is ever-important to make sure the property has the proper insurance for protection. Here is a quick look at some of the general questions you may have about getting home insurance for primary and secondary residences.
Should you carry the same levels of coverage for primary and secondary residences?
Most insurance agents will recommend that you carry a similar policy for your secondary residence as what you have for your primary residence.
4 Tips to Help You Purchase the Right General Liability Insurance Policy
When it comes to protecting your business, one of the best options is purchasing a general liability insurance policy. A general liability insurance policy can save your business if you find yourself facing a lawsuit. When purchasing the policy, there are a few things you need to consider in order to get the best possible coverage for your business.
#1: Evaluate Your Risk Level
First, you need to sit down and come up with a list of situations that your business could be sued over.
What Types Of Insurance Do Businesses Need?
Businesses come in all shapes and sizes. Each business is unique. Even among businesses within the same industry, individual businesses have diverse needs when it comes to insurance protection. That being said, there are certain types of insurance needs that many businesses, across all industries, share. These are some of the business insurance needs your business is likely to experience.
Business Owner's Policy
A business owner's policy is a general policy that offers a few specific protections for businesses.
Common Life Insurance Riders To Consider
Most life insurance policies' standard protections are fairly similar to one another, and sometimes policyholders want to add to the standard protections that are offered. Additional protection can be procured through riders, which enhance a policy with a narrowly defined additional coverage. Here are some common life insurance riders you may want to consider.
Accidental Death Rider
An accidental death rider pays an additional sum if the policyholder passes away as the result of an accident.
Three Types Of Insurance You May Need For Your Home Based Business
Today more people are working at home, but there are also a growing number of people who are starting businesses from their homes. If you are one of these people starting a new business, you may be surprised to find out that there are important insurance policies that you should have to cover various aspects of your business. The following are a few of the most important type of insurance coverage you should think about buying for your home business.
The Best Car Insurance Policies Have These Extra Coverages
All car insurance policies come with state-mandated minimum coverage, and many policies have additional coverage that protect the vehicle itself. The very best car insurance policies go beyond these protections, adding extra coverage that might seem trivial -- until you need to use it. Look for this extra coverage in the best car insurance policies.
Emergency Roadside Assistance for Roadside Breakdowns
Emergency roadside assistance might not be traditional insurance coverage in the truest sense of the term, but it's helpful protection to have if you're ever broken down on the side of the road.
Insurance Tips For New Commercial Truck Drivers
Commercial truck drivers will have a tremendous amount of responsibility due to the large size of their vehicles and the high value of their cargo. However, new commercial drivers will lack the experience that is needed for individuals to make informed choices regarding insuring their commercial truck. The following tips can help you with your commercial truck insurance decisions.
Insure Your Cargo
It can be common for commercial truck drivers to be tasked with transporting extremely expensive amounts of cargo.
Medical Malpractice: Things You Can Do To Avoid A Lawsuit
When you go into the medical profession, you have a desire to help other people. However, medicine is still a business at the end of the day, and you have to make every effort to protect yourself. Risk management is important, but not always something you learn about in school. Sadly, many medical professionals face malpractice lawsuits at some point in their careers, so you need to be sure to have medical malpractice insurance.