What To Know About Homeowners Insurance Before You Get A Dog

If you've decided to rescue a dog from the shelter, one of the first things you should do is talk to your insurance agent. Your agent will want to know if you have a dog, especially if it's a breed that can be potentially aggressive. Owning a dog won't necessarily change your coverage or get your insurance canceled, but it's best to know up front rather than wait until you need to file a claim. [Read More]

Finding Auto Insurance Discounts for Your Teen Driver

If you have a teenager that is about to reach the age of driving, you're about to go through a whole world of changes. Not only will you have to accept the fact that your teen is growing up and is one step closer to leaving the nest, but you'll have the extra expenses of having a teen driver on your auto insurance policy. What can you do to keep the cost of insuring your teen driver to a minimum? [Read More]

Important Insurances To Have

It is important to make sure you are covered with the different types of insurance that will protect you financially, and legally in some cases. Three of the main types of insurance that you are going to want to have include car insurance, health insurance, and home insurance. If you don't own your home, then you want to be sure you have renter's insurance. Here are the basics of each type of insurance so you understand the importance of each. [Read More]

Drivers Continue To Seek Insurance Technology Trends As 2019 Approaches

As 2018 nears its end and the new year approaches, people often tend to look forward toward upcoming trends. Drivers, in particular, seem interested in auto insurance companies that are offering improvements to technology trends. In 2018, you may have seen some technology trends as they appeared, but they barely scratched the surface. Now, more and more auto insurance companies are attempting to win over drivers using technological advancements. So, how does that benefit you, and what trends will matter? [Read More]