Drivers Continue To Seek Insurance Technology Trends As 2019 Approaches

As 2018 nears its end and the new year approaches, people often tend to look forward toward upcoming trends. Drivers, in particular, seem interested in auto insurance companies that are offering improvements to technology trends. In 2018, you may have seen some technology trends as they appeared, but they barely scratched the surface. Now, more and more auto insurance companies are attempting to win over drivers using technological advancements. So, how does that benefit you, and what trends will matter? [Read More]

A Few Things To Ask Your Auto Insurance Agent Before Buying Another Car

If you have decided to buy a second car, or swap out your old one, you are going to need to talk with your insurance agent. You may just figure that insurance is a necessary evil, and there is nothing you can do to get a lower rate. However, there may be a few things you can do that can help determine how much your premium will be. Here are a few things you should discuss with the agent before deciding on auto insurance services. [Read More]

Want Cheap Car Insurance? How To Save Money Over Time

Everyone is looking to save money on their auto insurance premium. However, not all money-saving tips have an immediate payoff. Some techniques may not see real savings until a few years down the road. Here are some tips that will help you see low premiums over time. Select The Right Car A large part of your car insurance premiums is actually based on the kind of car that you drive. If you are in the market for a new car, it is worth considering how expensive the premiums of one kind of car will compare to another. [Read More]

How To Lower Auto Insurance Rates By Driving Less

The more you drive, the more you are likely to be involved in an auto accident. This means constant driving increases your car's risk of damage, your risk of facing accidental liability claims, and your risk of accidental injuries. Reducing your driving mileage can help you lower all these risks, and you can do this by: Carpooling with Other Motorists If you find yourself driving one route every day around the same time, say when commuting to work or school, then there are high chances that there are other motorists doing the same thing. [Read More]